Lent Groups
Beginning w/b 10 March running for 4 weeks in which we discuss the book by Paula Gooder ‘Let me go there - the spirit of Lent’
Mondays: 7.30 - 9.00pm online
Tuesdays: 2.00 - 3.30pm Kentish Room at St Stephen’s Church
Thursdays: 10.00am - 12noon in the hall at St Bartholomew’s Church
1.30 - 3.30pm Kentish Room, St Stephen’s Church
To book a place in one of these groups, please contact office@ststephenandstjulian.org or phone 01727 862598
A short service by candlelight will take place each Wednesday at 8.00pm during Lent. St Stephen’s Church
Wednesday 12 March
Wednesday 19 March
Wednesday 26 March
Wednesday 2 April
Wednesday 9 April
Ash Wednesday
Services to suit all ages. St Stephen’s Church
9.15am Holy Communion
3.30 - 4.30pm “Ashes to Go”. Drop in at any time during this hour for a prayer, blessing and to be “ashed”.
7.30pm Holy Communion