Forthcoming Parish Events
Parish Walks
26 April Heartwood Forest to see the Bluebell woods
All walks meet at 12noon in the car park at St Stephen’s Church. Lifts can be provided if required. The group usually stop for refreshments after the walk.
Please contact Anne Bowyer via for more information
Pet Service
Saturday 20 September, 5.45pm ish, St Stephen’s Church
Bring & Buy Sale
Saturday 12 April
Saturday 10 May
“Second Saturday Sale” A Bring and Buy Revival! 10.00am - 12noon
St Julian’s Church, Abbots Avenue.
Bring along preloved items – ornaments, utensils, nick-knacks or odds and ends – to be bought by others to love, and take a treasure home with you.
Mens’ Breakfast
Saturday 10 May
8.30am - 11.00am, St Stephen’s Church, Guest speaker: Sandy Walkington “ Community Rail”
Come and join in with like minded men, for a chat and breakfast. There is usually an outside speaker booked.
Please contact Randal ffrench or Hamish Hamilton via for more information