We welcome everyone to our church
Public worship
Everyone is most welcome to join us for worship at either of our churches. We have regular services on Sundays and during the week. The usual pattern is listed below. This specific week’s services are listed on our A Church Near You page, which has links to our YouTube channel. If you have any queries regarding services, please email the Parish Office.
St Stephen’s church is currently not open for private prayer
We hope to be able to reopen the church very soon when you will be welcome to visit St Stephen’s for private prayer or to light a candle.
We are usually open every day from 8am to dusk.
Our usual pattern of services
St Stephen’s
8.00am – Service of Holy Communion, using the Book of Common Prayer
10.00am – Parish Communion service, also available online on specific Sundays (Last Sunday of the month is an All-Age family service)
9.15am – Said service of Morning Prayer
9:15am – Service of Holy Communion followed by Coffee
FRIDAY 9.15am – Said service of Morning Prayer on Zoom (for details please contact the Parish Office)
St Julian’s
9.30am – Service of Holy Communion, also available online on specific Sundays.
10:30am – Tots & Teddies Service and play group. In Church and the hall
9.15am – Said service of Morning prayer
How can you join in?
Services online
The parish livestreams a Sunday morning service each week, and there are recorded services available on our YouTube channel.
Contact us
If you’d like to speak to a member of the clergy, or find out more about weddings, baptisms and funerals, please contact the office or fill in the online form.
Keep up to date…
A Church Near You offers up to date information on all our services and notices. Or you can follow us on Facebook or Twitter for news on what we are doing and how we are reacting to the latest government guidance.
Make a donation
Like many churches we were unable to let our halls to the usual capacity during the last 18 months. Our income has also suffered from less collections in church, and a drop in footfall. If you’d like to make a contribution to our running costs, please click below to donate.